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Volume 6 Cover Contest
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Product Details
Do you have a passion for artwork and/or graphic design and think you have a perfect idea for our next cover? Submit to our contest and you might just see your work featured there!
Here are the details...
Open to all women, femme, and non-binary artists
Work must be a high-resolution JPEG or PNG file and be formatted to fit 8.5" x 11". Photographs, collages, illustrations, and any other visual combination of such is accepted.
Apply by making the purchase for this item. Please wait until you receive an email from submit@therationalcreature.com. Cover letters are encouraged with submissions.
In addition to having their work featured on Volume 6, winners will receive a monetary prize and work as Creative Director on Volume 6, helping to curate the issue.
ABOUT THE THEME: LUST...what does it mean, why does it continue to speak to artists, when is it welcomed, where can we challenge its idea, and how can/should it be more inclusive?